Manasquan United Methodist Church
Monday, October 21, 2024
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors

Coronavirus Information

Did you know? The flu virus and coronavirus (COVID-19) are spread in the same way, droplet spray.  This means basically by coughing, sneezing, and by hand contamination.  While there is medication for flu and a vaccine, there is neither for the coronavirus.  Flu is still infecting our communities and causing deaths.  The coronavirus infects the respiratory system causing pneumonia.  MUMC has developed the following guidelines to help prevent the spread and for your general information.

·        If you do not feel well and/or are exhibiting fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, please stay home until normal temperature is present for 24 hours again.  Stay away from anyone not feeling well or exhibiting fever, cough or difficulty breathing.

·        Try not to touch your face and mouth with your hands.  Washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds should be done several times during the day. (singing Happy Birthday two times is equal to 20 seconds).  Every time you touch something or someone, you should wash your hands.  You can use alcohol-based sanitizers if unable to wash with soap and water.

·        If you sneeze, try to use a tissue and discard in garbage.  If not available, sneeze into elbow fabric of your sleeve.  This article of clothing should be laundered as soon as possible.

·        Do not hold hands, hug or kiss on the cheek when in a group.


MUMC has adopted some smart, proactive measures to help in preventing Flu and COVID-19 spread.  These are:

1.     Provide tissues for easy access within the building.
2.     Discourage hand holding until further direction from the Health Department.
3.     Encourage hand washing or use of sanitizer and placing these sanitizers in key places to encourage use.
4.     Provide wipe down of key areas most frequently touched.
5.     Wear provided gloves in kitchen when serving or preparing food.
6.     Serve Communion using individual cups instead of intinction. Those serving will wear gloves.
7.     Investigate the possibilities of live streaming our worship service.


Questions or ideas can be passed on to the Health Ministry Team of MUMC 

Barbara Andrews, Marilyn Harvey, Tracy Hampton


and Sue Brower with Steve Bumbera, John Winterstella, Vincent Petruzziello


Updated March 8, 2020